Yet another way to score some mullah is to take advantage of extensive university library networks to resell copies of otherwise rare books. Do some research on out of print and rare book resellers such as to find out which books are the hardest to get and also the most expensive. Then hop on over to your local university's library site and see if they happen to have a copy. If they don't, don't despair quite yet. 

University libraries typically provide an interlibrary loan service (ILL) (free to students and faculty, a small fee for everyone else) that lets you request any titles not in the college's own library that they will then try to get from somewhere else.

If the book is at your local library, merely procure it without checking it out (see the free library books section above), remove any identifiable markings, and put the book up on a rare/used book reseller site at a price that's somewhat lower than the cheapest version already available.

If you can only procure the book through the interlibrary loan, proceed to make photocopies of the book (see the free photocopies section above), and then just put those up for sale. Don't worry, this is not an uncommon practice for particularly rare books, just don't forget to mention that these are indeed "high quality" photocopies of the actual tome in your product description. For More Money making tips and idea visit us

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