Free internet access can be procured from university libraries using at least four methods:

  1. Simply find a workstation that doesn't require a university login to access, or find one from which the previous user forgot to log out of.
  2. If all computers require a login, approach the librarian and ask for a guest login/password. Some university libraries routinely issue temporary logins for guest patrons, so this should be no big deal.
  3. Try unplugging the Ethernet cord from one of the library computers and plugging it into your own laptop. Alas, some universities require the registration of every new MAC address with a student login/password before you can get on the university network.
  4. If neither of the first three options work, you can always try the age-old technique of shoulder surfing. Just lurk behind a student as ze enters his username/password, and then login using zir credentials later on.

If you don't want to use the library computers, and the university's wired and wireless networks both require the registration of each MAC address (the hardware address of your Ethernet or wireless card) with a student's login (and you couldn't shoulder surf a legitimate student's login), what you can still do is engage in a little warwalking over by the dorm areas. 

Chances are that you'll stumble onto a local unprotected wireless router that someone has running in their dorm room, and that you won't need to register for, since it'll be going through the main computer of the student in question. 

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