Six Tips for Safe Online Shopping for Student
  1. Don't make a purchase online unless you're sure the site is secure. Watch for the padlock icon on the status bar at the bottom of your browser window to turn to the locked position, and the "http" in your address bar to turn to "https" when you go to the payment section (before you enter your credit card information). These two changes indicate that the site is secure. If you don't see these, don't enter your credit card information; your credit card number could be stolen and used without your knowledge.
  2. Make sure you download the most recent version of your browser to take advantage of the most up-to-date security features and advances in encryption capabilities to protect you from Internet fraud. Hackers are constantly finding ways to get around security features in browsers; so staying current is the only way to avoid being a victim.
  3. Before submitting personal information to a website, read their privacy policy to find out how the information may be used and whether it will be sold or shared with other businesses. If you don't like what you read, shop somewhere else.
  4. Use a credit card, not a debit card, for Internet purchases. Debit cards don't have the same legal protection as credit cards when it comes to limiting your liability for fraudulent use. Your bank accounts could be wiped out and you would have no legal recourse.
  5. Practice safe online shopping. Shop only on sites you're familiar with and only make transactions you've initiated.
  6. Never, ever buy anything from a site you learned about from spam email. Spam spreads viruses to millions of computers, costing consumers millions of dollars, but it's still around because some people respond to it. If fewer people respond, spam emails will end, along with the viruses that often go with them.

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